You Won’t Believe Your Eyes When You See How Beautiful These Celebrity Houses Are
Bob Eubanks – $2.66 Million, Thousand Oaks
Net Worth: $25 Million
Bob Eubanks is a game show host and television personality who lives in a large estate. The estate is a Thousand Oaks mansion that he purchased in California way back in 2006, costing him $2.66 million out of his savings account. Well, that wasn’t a very large chunk of Bob’s wealth, so we doubt he minded.
The home boasts a swimming pool and a large yard, with the home sporting four bedrooms. Bob, in his eighties now, has been the host of The Newlyweds Game since 1966 and he shows no signs of giving it up anytime soon! In 2019, he hosted the Hollywood’s Greatest Game Show extravaganza.
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